Sunday, August 1, 2010

Big Gunns

First: Congratulations to John for winning the 2-month writing contest and to all of the contestants. Great job, gang.

Deb always says, "Listen to your Tim Gunns." Meaning, when you ask for advice from experts, pay attention to it.

Over a year ago, I asked my local experts--the Pirates--to read HM and give feedback. Which they graciously did. I listened to the feedback, read the notes and thanked them.

A few months ago, Deb offered to let me take her spot in CWC while she concentrated on revising her book, MMG. She didn't have anything ready for submission and didn't want to stop revisions in order to write something new. So I agreed. I had 60 days to get at least 50 pages of HM revised. No problem, less than a page a day.

I jumped in and wrote index cards for each scene, with all the changes I wanted to make based on the critiques I'd received. Then I sat down at the computer with the original prinout and the cards. And I sat there. And sat there. Staring at everything, waiting for my fingers to start typing. But I wasn't feeling it. Not that I didn't feel like writing--I did. Not that I felt like being somewhere else doing something else--I didn't. But the words weren't coming.

Finally, I figured out why. I wasn't changing enough. Over time I slowly let go of almost all of the suggestions. And, I realized in the last week, the ones I chose to ignore were the ones that would involve the biggest changes. I had to age Shannon from 12 to 14. Two years doesn't sound like a lot, but it's huge with preteens/teens. I had to change some of Sloan's background and some of his personality. Big huge changes.

So now I have nothing to submit to the group this month. Last week was nuts at work, and I was helping out some friends in the evenings. This weekend was already booked solid. I feel horrible not making my first deadline with CWC. They've been very gracious to allow me to sit in for the next few months. And I've let them down.
Moreover, I've let myself down.

In my case I listened to my Tim Gunn's, but then I discounted what they had to say. At my own peril. My next opportunity to submit will be August 30. I WILL have my 50 pages plus. Because now I know where I'm going with the book.

And from now on I'll not only listen to my Tim Gunns, I'll make sure that if I choose to ignore some of their advice, it will be for very good reasons.

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