Friday, April 1, 2011

Professional Protagonist?

Having an amateur sleuth as the protagonist is a big part of the cozy oeuvre. Miss Marple is the nosy spinster. Jessica Fletcher is a mystery writer. Goldie Bear is a caterer. There are shop owners galore.

Could a cop star in a cozy?

I've never read one, but it's an interesting idea. How would one go about cozying up with a cop?

Would toning down the violence do it? I don't think that would be enough to tip us into cozy territory.

How then?

Any ideas? If you do, I might steal adapt them to a book or two.


  1. I don't know about books, but I always thought Syfy's Eureka is a great cozy. It's that small town feel, the characters we love, laugh and cry with. Combined with scifi too! Wish I had come up with it...

  2. Good one. I love Eureka, and it is on the cozy side. Wish I'd thought of it, too.

    Maybe if we put our heads together . . .

  3. Maybe if the cop is bumblingly charming? Like: How did this dude get the job?

  4. I think Jenny may be onto something: in Eureka, it's rarely police procedure that gets the bad guy; it's usually the cop (forget his name?) and his street smarts vs. science that solves the crime.

    I would love to write a cozy someday. Such fun.
